Throughout history, the different conflicts that have occurred have been of a political or military nature, the military forces have been decisively marked by the attitude that the powers have maintained in their respective moments. By looking carefully at the great powers we hope at least that their military forces give us a gesture that allows us to guess the will to put an end to a confrontation of those that have astonished the world for their cruelty and encystment, and that develops more than anything in the Old Continent, a few kilometers from the most civilized countries of our planet. But this gesture in the best of cases stays there: as a mere intention or indignation. While it is true that there are many military forces with a huge number of military personnel, the United States leads that list with more than one million four hundred thousand active military personnel. Although their roles are to defend the country from attacks, be they terrorists or wars. These are usually divided into different branches such as naval, air force and ground force. Their contributions to the world can be seen reflected in humanitarian aid actions, also in peace operations. These forces also hide many defects such as, for example, they tend to have deficiencies that affect the less visible but vital links in modern wars, they may lack artillery, armored vehicles, helicopters and a myriad of weapons at the time of a great war. For the naval military, they may lack submarines, ships in the same way may not be in very good condition and that is a weak point.
Terrorism is above all an attack on the fundamental rights of the human person — whether life, liberty or property. Terrorism cannot be defined only as the use of violence, force or threat against a State, because States can also be terrorists. Nor is terrorism a ´´ individual or group common crime´´. A murder cannot be classified as a terrorist act, although terrorist acts can be murders. The specificity of terrorism is undoubtedly beyond, although it is obvious, in that it involves human actions that produce terror with highly sophisticated and unusual weapons. From my point of view, the terrorist is one who plans his attack for a certain time, that is, it cannot be reduced to an act of terror lasting a couple of hours. For there to be terrorism it is necessary that, for a certainly prolonged time, not just once, there is violence or the threat of its use indiscriminately against fundamental rights of the human person.
There is even another kind of terrorism, which is the one carried out by those who have what is necessary and even more than is necessary (the great powers), however, due to their desire for power and to have they are also capable of exercising violence against a population. . I mean that indiscriminate violence is also exercised not by the desperate who have nothing, but by the rich and opulent. Remember the case of South Africa, for example. Ultimately, whenever there is social and political violence it is because some have a lot and want to have more and others who have very little and seem condemned to continue having less and react violently to it. I think that where there is balance and justice, it is in the distribution of nature’s goods and those derived from man’s work, there is much less violence than where human beings live condemned to the despair of not being able to live, survive or live in dignity and freedom. If we want there to be no terrorism, we will have to go back to the philosophy as I saw in a classic that “peace is the work of justice.” Justice and peace are not imposed by bombing Afghanistan or other countries, but by ensuring that injustices do not despair people.
By: Santos Murcia, Jennifer Elena